Come help St. Joe say goodbye to summer! |
On Saturday, September 18th, Beach Coasters will bid summer a farewell by rocking out to the blues and eating BBQ in Downtown St. Joe, Mich.
The events will be taking place at the John E. Howard Bandshell and on Port Street from 12-6p.m.
Along with the BBQ, Round Barn Winery, Brewery, Distillery will be providing the beer.
The live blues music lineup is:
- Oblates of Blues: 12:30 - 2p.m.
- Bryan Michael Fischer Band: 2:30 - 4:00p.m.
- Elwood Splinters Blues Band: 4:30 - 6:00p.m.
There will also be a Bean Bag Tournament in the streets of Downtown St. Joe. Show off your bags skills! Entry is $10/team with an entry deadline the 18th at 11:00a.m. Contact Brian Smith at 269.985.1111 for more information. Say goodbye to summer without tears this year!