This Saturday, August 28th, Art Beat 2010 will take place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the downtown area of South Bend, Ind.
Art Beat is a free art event along the streets and sidewalks of downtown South Bend featuring the work of local visual, performing, and culinary artists. The event showcases South Bend and the surrounding community's artists.
Art Beat Amped on the Island will be located on the Century Center’s newly renovated Island, located on the river’s edge at 120 S. St. Joseph Street, directly across from the College Football Hall of Fame. Art Beat Amped on the Island will feature 14 local and regional music groups performing original pieces that represent a wide variety of music; country, rock, blues, alternative and industrial noise. Bands will perform from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.

Other activities to take place on the island sponsored by WSBT-TV will include, a Sketch the Sky coloring area for kids and a food court on the island with all proceeds benefiting the United Way of St. Joseph County.
Visit Art Beat 2010's website for more information on the events and parking.